
Exam 6

 Teacher:Hamza Chafii                                         Name:………………………
 School   : Bir Anzarane                                       Class:………………………
   Year      :2009/2010                                          Number:……………………
I.            Comprehension: Base your answers on the text below :
    My name is Hassan.I live in a big house inTinghir.My school name is Salah Eddine Secondary. My favourite school subject is English. My English teacher is Moroccan. For breakfast, I eat some cakes and drink milk. For lunch, I eat some chicken and drink lemonade. For dinner, I eat rice and drink orange juice. At the weekend, my sister, my brother and I visit my grandparents in a small village in Errachidia.
1) Write true or false then correct the false statements: (2 marks)
  -Hassan doesn’t live in a big house:………………………………………………………..
  -His English teacher is British:……………………………………………………………..
  -Hassan drinks orange juice for dinner………………………………………………………
  -He visits his friends at the weekend:………………………………………………………….
2) Complete the following list:(6 marks )
-House:              *kitchen        *……………….    *………………        *………………..
-School subjects:*French         *…………….         *………………..     *……………….
-Food and drink: *milk              *…………….        *………………..      *………………….
-Family:             * parents            *……………         *………………..      *…………………
II.            Language :  (2 marks)
1) Choose the right form:  is  / are  / is not  / are not (2 marks )
       *Igassellen, Taskala and Taghuni ……… nice villages.
       *John and Laura are British. They …….. Moroccan.
       *A carrot……….. a vegetable. It ……………… a fruit.
2) Write   a   or    an: (2 marks)
*…… important book     *……… clean classroom*……. Arabic lesson  *….….nice city
3) Conjugate the verb between bracket (                ) : (2 marks)
*Karim …………………….…..(visit)  friends everyday.
*We  …………………………(listen) to music at the weekend.
*James and Tom ………………(play/ not) in tennis very well.
*…………she  …………….(do/eat)  couscous?
4) Complete the following list :(1 mark)
   Countable Nouns : ex. bananas    *…………….………..             *………………………...  
   Uncountable nouns : ex. orange juice *…………………..           *………………………
III.            Writing :Write a letter to your friend giving the following information (5 marks)
(your first  name,family name,age,home city,country,nationality,friend’s name,favourite sport,favourite food and drink,family members……………………..)

                                                            Best wishes
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