
Exam (2)

Teacher:Hamza Chafii                        Name:……………………….......................................
 School   : Bir Anzarane                      Class:………………………........................................
 Year      :2011/2012                          Number:…………………….......................................
I.            Comprehension:

   Hollo! I’m Dihya. I live in Elhouceima. My school name is Akssel the Secondary. My favourite school subject is Tamazight. My English teacher is Moroccan. My brother’s name is Anir.  My sister’s name is Tifa. At the weekend, my sister and I visit my friends in a small village in Tetouan.

1) Write true or false then correct the false statements: (2 marks)

  - Dihya is from Tetouan :………………………………………………………..
 -Her favourite subject is English............................................................................
  -Her sister visits her friends in Tetouan ...............................................................
  -Her school name is Bir Anzarane:.......................................................................

2) Complete the following list:(6 marks )

-School objects:       *……………….    *………………        *………………..
-School subjects:   *…………….         *………………..     *……………….
-Drink:                 *…………….        *………………..      *………………….
-Family:             *……………         *………………..      *…………………

II.            Language :

1) Choose the right form:  is  / are  / is not  / are not (2 marks )

       *Taghjijt and Bouizakarne ……… ........in the South West of Morocco.
       * Dihya is Moroccan. She …….............................American.
       *A desk………..... a school object. It ……………… a school subject.
2) Give the right possessive pronoun for each sentence:(her/their) (2 marks)

           a) She is my student! .................................. name is Leila.
            b) These are my brothers! ………  names are Tom and Bob.
3) Conjugate each verb between bracket ( ...............): (3 marks)

* Jamal …………………….…..( speak )  English  every day.
* James and his sister………………(visit) their village every week.
*…………he ……………. (do/like) couscous?

III.            Writing : Complete the following paragraph:(5 marks)

(your first  name, family name, age, home city, country, nationality, friend’s name, favourite sport, favourite school subject(s), family members)
  Hello!My name...................................................................................................

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